Gain an understanding of your personality style
Discover the qualities and characteristics of their own particular personality style or type; Gain an understanding of other personality styles.
Each of us has a different and unique personality; however, there are commonalities that we share. True Colors is an attempt to identify various personality styles and label them with colors. This model of categorizing personality styles is based on many years of work by other researchers and psychologists. Essentially it draws heavily on the work of Isabel Briggs-Myers, Katherine Briggs, and David Keirsey. Don Lowry, a student of Keirsey, developed the system called True Colors which uses four primary colors to designate personality types and behavioral styles. Lowry’s objective was the application of temperament or personality style to facilitate deeper communications and understanding. He hoped it would result in positive self-worth and self-esteem. The True Colors program was designed to maximize the application of psychological style in the workplace, in the family and in education and in other types of communities. The ease of understanding and use in all human relationships and interactions make this model very functional. The belief is that with increased understanding of ourselves and others that conflict will decrease. Once you learn your color and that of your co-workers, you will have a better understanding of why they behave the way they do! Each color is associated with certain personality traits or behaviors. Everyone has some degree of each color, but one color is predominant.
Compare all 4 boxes in each row. Do not analyze each word; just get a sense of each box
Score yourself on each of the four boxes to reflect whether the words describe you (4 = most, 3 = alot, 2 = somewhat, 1 = least)